Mission Statement

Follow me and everything is alright, I'll be the one to tuck you in at night, and if you want to leave... you'll miss out on all our secrets!

Here at the Mountain Sexvival Guide we believe only TWO things:

1.) The more you know about Sex the easier it will be to talk about it, receive it, and find return customers!

2.) The more you know about Sexual Health the easier it will be to stay safe, stay unpregnant, and protect yourself from unwanted bumper buddies.

We promise irreverence, humour, factual information, personal anecdote, and plenty of pop culture references so you know our staff is hip and cool.  We've got the cool shoe shine.

If you have a question or issue that you would like addressed—which you do—then ask! Maybe you want to learn a new sex position, maybe you wonder what that pus-filled bump is, maybe you just don't know where to meet girls... Feel free to send us an email at MountainSexGuide@gmail.com! We AREN'T hiding who we are, but we'll keep your stats confidential.

Ecce Quam Boner. Behold how good and joyful it is to make sweet (safe) love.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Feelin' Alright

Seems I got to have a change of scene, cause every night I have the strangest dreams... Dreams of having Sex with someone I don't hate.

Here's the deal my friends, my peers, my fellow Sexually Active Adults: Sex is emotional. It can be a beautiful, motivational, spiritual, amazing thing. It can also SEEM to be all those things. A relationship ends... and all of the sudden you realize: "Hey, I don't really like that person, I never really liked that person!"

That's okay. A huge part of Sexual Health is emotional health. If you are going to be Sexually Active then you have to be prepared to be hurt in deeper and more meaningful ways than you can be hurt by someone with whom you are not having Sex.

Counseling Services on the Mountain is free. If you need, go talk to someone objectively about the decisions you've made about your Sexuality. There doesn't have to be anything wrong to talk to a mental healthcare professional. There ISN'T anything wrong with you if you are torn up over some boy/girl who you now have a strained relationship with because of Sex.

When it's over? That's the time you fall in love again.

Tip #8:
When manually stimulating a woman you can use the ring and middle fingers inside the Vagina to massage the G-Spot as your thumb gently (unless she says "Harder") rubs the Clitoris. Women LOVE it if you do things that make their Clitoris feel good. Ya know, if it's consensual!

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