Mission Statement

Follow me and everything is alright, I'll be the one to tuck you in at night, and if you want to leave... you'll miss out on all our secrets!

Here at the Mountain Sexvival Guide we believe only TWO things:

1.) The more you know about Sex the easier it will be to talk about it, receive it, and find return customers!

2.) The more you know about Sexual Health the easier it will be to stay safe, stay unpregnant, and protect yourself from unwanted bumper buddies.

We promise irreverence, humour, factual information, personal anecdote, and plenty of pop culture references so you know our staff is hip and cool.  We've got the cool shoe shine.

If you have a question or issue that you would like addressed—which you do—then ask! Maybe you want to learn a new sex position, maybe you wonder what that pus-filled bump is, maybe you just don't know where to meet girls... Feel free to send us an email at MountainSexGuide@gmail.com! We AREN'T hiding who we are, but we'll keep your stats confidential.

Ecce Quam Boner. Behold how good and joyful it is to make sweet (safe) love.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nasty Girl

This is the kind of blog that only Prince would sing about...

You're pretty upset with that Promiscuous Girl in your class/workplace/church aren't you? She's clearly a tramp. Look at the way she dresses. I mean, oh my god Becky, look at her butt. She's got an awful lot of guys around, I bet she's giving it up like it was going out of style.

Does this sound a little bit like you? Cause it sounds a little bit like the staff of the Mountain Sexvival Guide.

We're pretty quick as people to judge our peers based on how they look, speak, and date. We're pretty quick to look down on people for any number of reasons. Often those feelings manifest themselves into derogatory comments about their Sexuality. This is one of the most hurtful ways to denigrate a person's character.

It's also bad for your sexual health!!

Sexuality, and expressions thereof, are not inherently bad. Sexual promiscuity can be safe and pleasant for all involved. Everyone's trying to figure things out for themselves and nearly every person is going to make decisions that you would not make. This isn't a judge not lest ye be judged thing either... The MSG doesn't say "Wait dude, you're Sexual appetites are just as weird." it says "If people are open, honest, consenting, and safe... leave them alone."

Let us put it this way: You don't have to like people. But every time you insult someone's Sexual Experience you make it that much harder for people to be comfortable talking about their Sexuality. The less people talk about Sex, the more likely they are to be secretive, dishonest, manipulative, and unsafe.

So yeah, you don't have to like people... but no one is such a tramp that you hope she AIDS* so play nice. Only YOU can prevent negative stereotypes and sexual stigma.

Sex Tip #16
A Parthenophobe is someone who is afraid of virgins. Remember that no matter what preferences s/he has that make you uncomfortable... there's weirder stuff out there.**

*Think about this HARD before you disagree.
**This is the Judge Not... section of the post.

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